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PONY CLUB丨“这是我去过最好的夏令营!”

类别:THE PONY CLUB来源:天星调良马术时间: 2019-08-03


随着汇报表演落下帷幕,7月的两场夏令营结束啦!小骑手们在夏令营中,不仅收获了马术知识,还获得了珍贵的友谊和值得珍藏的回忆!结营后,小朋友和家长们也纷纷发来了自己的收获和感想,来自南京的Amiee Xiong小朋友更是将这次夏令营称作“我去过最好的夏令营!”


我叫Aimee,今年9岁。暑假期间,我参加了北京天星调良国际马术俱乐部的Pony Club夏令营。这家马术俱乐部里有100多匹马,环境非常干净,草坪修剪得很漂亮。




在营地的最后一天,我们进行了评估。我以优异的成绩通过了马房管理和骑乘考试并获得了JPRT五级证书,得到了徽章。在我所有的徽章中,从Pony Club得到的是最珍贵的,因为这个徽章是奖励给唯一一个能自己独自备马的人的!


Amiee Xiong


The Pony Club

My name is Amiee, and I ‘m 9 years old. I study in British School of Nanjing. During the summer break, I went to a summer camp which was held by the Pony Club. The Pony Club was in the Equuleus International Riding Club, Beijing. This riding club has over 100 horses/ponies, the environment is magnificently clean and there is not one piece of rubbish and grassland is beautifully mowed.

What we did there was hilariously fun, and amusing. My best memory was painting on Casper and Victoria. I gave Casper a pink mane!!! I was very sorry for Victoria because we were split into two teams of four, and the team that was painting Victoria was dumping paint on her. By the time they finished, she looked like an odd monster who had just came out of a swamp!!!

During this camp, we learned stable management, improved our riding skills, learnt team work……………. etc. I learned how to go backwards on a pony! I have been a pony rider for 4 years but I couldn’t get out of a tight space on horseback. And now I could. The Polo cross was also a new activity for me. Casper was terrified by the racket and ball so I ended up with a groom leading Casper for me. I practices Polo cross on the grassland for over 10 hours and it was very disappointing when Casper won’t stop going backwards until I drop the racket. No matter how disappointing it was, I still enjoyed Polo cross.

There was also a bonfire night and we played a lot of games such as musical chairs and we told loads of funny jokes. Then we have a performance and some of us performed. When it was time for bed, we got to sleep in tents!!! There was one boy who didn’t sleep at night so he had to miss out on the next day. The horse he was going to ride was Pablo which was also my favorite horse so the coach let me ride him for the day. Unfortunately, he appeared out of nowhere and I had to tack up two horses.

The last day of the camp we had an assessment for those who are being assessed. I passed both stable management and riding test with very good grade, and I got my certification for level five in JPRT. The most interesting award was the badges, I got the same kind of badge in Scouts. In all my badges the one I got from Pony Club is most treasured one. Because there was only one badge for the only person who is able to tack up a horse or pony all by him or herself!!!

The Pony Club was really successful and it was the best summer camp I ever been to. I have to thanks all coaches especially coach Kang, front desk and staff.

Amiee Xiong
July, 27, 2019





























Ponyclub给Miu过了8岁生日!特别感动,感谢,感恩!祝 Pony Club营越办越好,祝天星调良飞腾万里!


(Equuleus International Pony Club)
国际青少年马术会(PONY CLUB)成立于1929年,是全球最大的国际青少年马术组织。通过其独特的青少年马术教育系统以及一系列的青少年马术类活动及国际交流项目,倡导一种健康、自然、多元化的马术生活方式,旨在培养青少年的全球公民意识、核心领导力以及马术人文素养。




【PONY CLUB】90周年庆10天倒计时——环球音乐骑乘中国站!

【PONY CLUB】圣诞节回忆——孩子们与马儿的暖心story!

【PONY CLUB】赛事岗位全知道——“马术赛事小专家” 养成记!

【PONY CLUB】如何给小马“理发”?孩子们的马房兴趣班!


【PONY CLUB】属于孩子们的“闪亮日子”!




*亚洲前三、中国内地唯一英国马会 BHS(British Horse Society)国际认证考试中心的马术俱乐部
*Ranked Top 3 in Asia, the Only British Horse Society Approved Exam Centre in Mainland China

*国内唯一获得 ISO 质量管理体系等 5 大认证的马术俱乐部
*Only Equestrian Club in China Achieving 5 ISO Management Certifications

*International Equestrian Lifestyle Centre

High Quality Equestrian Ecological Industry Model

*Leading International Equestrian Club (19 Years’ Experience Since 1999)

*Top International Equestrian Events Centre (18 Years’ Experience Since 2000)

*Equestrian Events Operations Team with Olympic Experience

*Professional Venue Design and Construction Team with Olympic Experience