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马术小知识 | 马匹为什么容易受惊?(3)

类别:资讯动态来源:天星调良马术时间: 2021-12-10



·  如果想要理解马匹行为方式背后的原因,首先我们需要了解自然界中野马的行为以及驯养是如何引导它们来适应新环境的。

·  If we are to understand why horses behave the way they do, we first need to learn the behaviour of wild horses and how domestication has led them to adapt to a changed environment. 


·  马匹已经被驯养了6000多年,与人类的互动让它们获得很多福利,如定期供应的食物和水,疾病和伤痛的治疗以及保护免受来自捕食者的侵害。

·  Horses have been domesticated for around 6,000 years and their interaction with humans has given them the benefits of regular food, water, treatment of disease and injury and protection from predators. 

·  驯养也导致马匹的行为习性发生了变化——因为驯养的环境会是非常不自然的。

·  However, with domestication comes behavioural changes — a domesticated environment can be very unnatural. 


·  一匹野马能够自己选择它的马群伙伴,独自觅食、饮水,可以自由选择如何及何时交际、锻炼和休息。而一匹被驯养的马匹往往厩养在马房里,活动、觅食、饮水、社交、以及与其他马匹互动的自由都被加以限制。

·   A wild horse is able to choose his herd mates, may browse for his own food and water and is free to choose how and when he socialises, exercises and rests. A domesticated horse is often stabled, restricting in his freedom to move, browse for food or water, or socialise and interact with other horses.


·  马已经进化了上百万年,每天有14~16个小时都在吃草,可以在野外长途跋涉寻找食物和水,马是一种被捕食的动物,依赖其逃走或战斗的天性而生存。受到惊吓时,马匹通常会选择逃跑,如果没有机会逃走,马匹可能会选择战斗。

·  Horses have evolved over millions of years to browse and eat for 14–16 hours per day and can travel huge distances in the wild in search of food and water. They are also prey animals and have depended on their flight or fight instinct for survival. When frightened, they will usually run away, but if this isn’t an option they may fight.


·  尽管在我们的照护下马匹面对的威胁很少,但它们逃走或战斗的天性依然使其始终先逃跑后思考;人类看不到、听不到或闻不着的事物也经常会使马匹突然受惊。

·  Although horses in our care face far fewer threats, their flight or fight instincts still lead them to run first and think later; they may often spook at things that humans are unable to see, hear or smell.



(文字来源:《全新马术国际通用教程》初阶     图片提供:天星调良马术)







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